Getting Started
Make sure that relevant participants know you are there and why. Ask permission if you are observing an event that would not ordinarily be open to outsiders. Then find a place that allows you to see the action, but not be too far removed. And decide how you will take notes. In some settings that won’t be a problem, but in others, you may need to limit your note taking to a few unobtrusive “jottings” that will jog your memory when you write up your notes later.
If you are an insider to this group, be careful to really notice the things you normally take for granted and ask yourself what someone else might notice instead. If you are an outsider, don’t be afraid to ask questions about what you see. Either before or after the event, engage participants in conversation about the things you might not have understood or that seemed especially striking to you.
Pay attention to non-verbal expression, physical surroundings, and emotional tone, as much as to the words. Spaces, decorations, movement, and feelings can tell you a lot. You might sketch a picture of the room, where people are seated, and who is sitting where, and what happens around the edges.
The Tool in Action