McKenzie, Dixon, Muir & Ingalls (2024)
McKenzie, Dulcie A. Dixon, Pauline E. Muir and Monique Ingalls, eds. 2024. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. New York: Routledge.
McKenzie, Dulcie A. Dixon, Pauline E. Muir and Monique Ingalls, eds. 2024. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. New York: Routledge.
Mall, Andrew, Jeffers Engelhardt and Monique Ingalls, eds. 2021. Studying Congregational Music: Key Issues, Methods, and Theoretical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Mall, Andrew. 2020. God Rock, Inc.: The Business of Niche Music. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Burnett, Philip Timothy and Erin Johnson-Williams. 2022. “Hymns Beyond the Congregation: Constructions of Identity and Legacies of Meaning.” Yale Journal of Music & Religion 8(2):85-88.
Roso, Joseph. 2022. “The Churches They Are a Changin’: Processes of Change in Worship Services.” Sociology of Religion 84 (2): 190-221.