Getting Started
This exercise assumes that you have a regular meeting place (even if it is rented or temporary). Organize a few folks to take this walk together, and start from your meeting place. Walk as far as is comfortable and cover the side streets, as well as the main thoroughfares. Take notes, chat along the way about what you notice, and consider taking pictures, as well (link to visual methods).
Are there new buildings or developments? If there is housing, what kind? Are some areas looking particularly good or bad? What about new businesses? Are there a lot of people walking around and enjoying the area, or does it seem deserted? What kinds of people do you see? Is there a police presence? Are there posters about community events? Signs about a neighborhood watch area? Or nothing but concrete and traffic? What does it feel like walking around? Or trying to get around in a wheelchair?
Once you’ve returned, think about ways your group is and isn’t connected to that community. Think about how your property does and doesn’t fit. Is or isn’t inviting. Or could perhaps be used more effectively. Download the full PDF download for a similar exercise within the four walls of your congregation!
Walking Tours Inside and Outside
Our Studying Congregations Tool Kit features easy to use quick guides for better understanding a community of faith. This PDF download is ideal for religious leaders, seminarians and anyone else who wants to better understand how space and place shape a congregation. It explores exercises inside the building and out in the neighborhood.
The Tool in Action