Dr. Nancy T. Ammerman is Professor of Sociology of Religion in the Department of Sociology and School of Theology at Boston University. A longtime member of the Congregational Studies Team, she is Project Director of StudyingCongregations.org

Theologians in the Field

Over the last couple of decades, the field of practical theology has increasingly drawn on methods from the social sciences.  Most especially, people seeking to understand the theological wisdom of a community have practiced ethnographic methods for gathering information and analyzing what they find – much as we describe in this website on ”studying congregations.” …

Being Faithful Rememberers: Bringing Congregational Histories Out of the Attic

The Congregational Library and Archives in Boston has the exciting task of preserving – and helping others to preserve – the history of some of the earliest communities of faith in America.  They rescue documents from attics and basements, digitize them, and make them accessible.  While their work is unique, it offers clues to how…

Why Belong?

Why belong? That’s what lots of people are asking themselves these days.  And it’s what people interested in the wellbeing of religious communities should be asking, as well.  Why do people find this place compelling?  What makes it worth investing time and energy? As Easter and Passover approach, newspapers are doing their annual nod in…